Life has a way of throwing hardships at homeowners. Anyone can experience an unexpected job loss, illness or flood. These situations lead to economic hardship. Keeping up with mortgage payments can become impossible. Suddenly, there is the looming threat of...
What to do when facing repossession or home foreclosure
One unfortunate turn of events can disrupt your financial equilibrium and make it difficult to catch up on important payments. If you find yourself struggling to pay your mortgage, you are at risk of home foreclosure. It is important to know your rights and options in...
You have some options for handling repossessions and foreclosures
With houses, cars and other items seemingly costing more than ever, it may be impossible for you to pay cash for major purchases. Fortunately, if you have a good credit score and meet other requirements, you may qualify for a mortgage, car loan or personal line of...
Bankruptcy does not mean the end of your home ownership dreams
The dream of owning a home is something that many people have in Smith County. But for some people, the dream may feel like it never will come true. Sometimes people hit a point in their lives where their only option is bankruptcy. This does not make them bad people;...
What are the different types of foreclosure that exist?
Financial hardship can strike anyone at any time. You may experience a death in the family, loss of a job or medical issues. One of the biggest issues that most Texas homeowners face when they hit on hard times is how to pay for their mortgage. If they're not...