Getting out of credit card debt is a very difficult thing to do. Many people will do whatever possible to stay out of it once they manage to get out. But how can a person ensure they never fall back into credit card debt once they have escaped? Change how you view...
Month: January 2023
Timing of a bankruptcy case
Bankruptcy might help you get your life back on track once you become overburdened with debt. If you were honestly trying to make things work, this program exists to provide some relief. However, honestly trying to make things work can mean different people. To some,...
3 bankruptcy mistakes to avoid
When faced with a difficult financial situation, many people find bankruptcy the best solution. According to the American Bankruptcy Institute, 12,461 Texans filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2021. If you find yourself ready to file, help ensure a smooth process and...
Benefits of Chapter 13 bankruptcy
When you find yourself in a situation during which you are unable to keep up with debts and other payment obligations, filing for bankruptcy can provide the chance for a fresh start. Chapter 13 is one of the most common forms of bankruptcy, and it is often the...
Keeping your car during chapter 7 bankruptcy
The chapter 7 bankruptcy process is also known as liquidation bankruptcy. This means that you might sell — or liquidate — some of your property to settle your debts. Naturally, you might want to keep some of this property. One example is a car that helps you get...